Sector | Product Info

Utilizing air purification technology designed for astronauts in horticulture.

Saudi companies partner for greenhouse roofing solution

"You don't always need AI-driven automation to run a successful vertical farm"

Under 25% of Brazilians meet WHO fruit and vegetable guidelines

New flavors extend chopped salad kit line

“Blueberry consumption is expected to double in the next six to seven years”

"Our plastic trays are built to last for 20 to 25 years”

Rocco Reds tomato gains traction

New tomato medley to be launched

Preventing roots from overheating in greenhouses and hydroponic tunnels

"This technology is not a luxury, but a necessity for staying competitive in the future of farming"

No more production of diffuse horticultural glass in Europe

Sweden: Sustainable technical project at Frövi Greenery

High vegetable intake linked to lower liver cancer risk in cirrhosis patients

Call for $125 million campaign to boost vegetable consumption and improve health outcomes

Aponix open-sources Vertical Barrel System

New partnership to bring Moving Gutter Systems to the US

First integral dripline with a built-in outlet launched

Durable screen cloths thanks to 100% integrated high-tech production process

Dynamic LED lighting needs a proper management system

"All of our steel is sourced in the U.S"

Biodegradable and compostable mulch sheet

"This way trays can be reused"

"We dissolve CO2 in water and apply it directly to the leaves"

The importance of hoopers in peat filling

Updates for Koppert's bumblebee hives

Invernaderoville: a children's book about horticulture

CubicFarm announces the granting of four new hydroponic patents

Glass now cleaner for AR-coated glass: Maximum light, maximum output

Soft launch of the Cf2Go Sensor at HortiContact 2025

"The Google glasses of our industry"

New climate prediction feature for crop protection

"Our spectral imaging technology enables early detection of crop stress"

Using predatory mites to fight against pests

Baby spinach joins family of indoor-grown leafy greens

"Looking for further input for our vertical string tie machine"

First Dutch courgette fleurs on their way to chefs again

Water lentils authorized for production and consumption in EU

New greenhouse gutter with Spacer and high light capacity

"With more in-house development, we can showcase our capabilities with our own stand"

"Robust construction and suspended growing systems for optimum soft fruit growing"

"There is too much re-potting, discarded tags, and plastic pots"

US: Eight new salad kits at Tops Friendly Markets

New quality management system launched for strawberry

NL: OptiDry dehumidifiers use natural refrigerant propane

Optimizing crop and resource management with wireless sensors

TikTok strikes again: tomatoes on bridges (wait, what?)

"The higher we can go, the cheaper the costs”

2025 rebate guide launched for North America

"All markets mature at some point"

Tree tomatoes Tamarillo grow in Dutch pepper greenhouse

New LED fixtures to aid tissue culture growers

“When we seed with the Amiga, everything falls perfectly on the track”

Using bubbles to insulate greenhouses

New pest sprayer to hit market soon

“AI tool brings knowledge of an agronomist to growers’ fingertips”

Taiwan: Driving sustainable lettuce production through gutters

Special offer for growers attending LEAP 2025

Koppert unveils new precision blower

A sustainable alternative to hydrogen peroxide production

Saving energy with smart dimming

Paardekooper announces IPM Essen attendance