Sector | Cultivation

US: Scientists discover genes to grow bigger, juicier tomatoes

Taking a look at EXO grow rooms

Testing the stability of hydroponically grown melon

Looking at water saving strategies for greenhouses

"The work is delicate, and the stakes are high"

US (NC): Looking at the effects of soil bacterial communities on strawberry yield

Examining buzz pollination in tomatoes

Understanding the role of thermal stress in modulating tomato growth and yield

Reviving Miriam Makeba’s agricultural legacy

US: Using unsold flowers to make food

US (IA): Fishers AgriPark plants first seeds of 2025

UK: Growers reap benefits of novel biological precision tools

Extreme heat an issue with blueberry pollination, pollinator health

Minimizing toxicity to improve spinach growth

US (NY): Using genetics to manipulate plant flowering times

Looking at the effects of accelerated shelf life on subtropical lettuce

Looking into the effects of irrigation and fertilization on greenhouse tomatoes

Exploring the postharvest quality of sugar in Chinese cabbage

UK: Thanet Earth Centre of Excellence sees first seeds of 2025 sown

The importance of dehumidifiers in the greenhouse

Using magnesium nanofertilizer to help strengthen tomato roots

Waste recycling companies begin to collect waste from greenhouses, produce wholesaler

US: Using horticultural greenhouses for flowers this spring

Biodegradable and compostable mulch sheet

Using locally grown foods to increase your spring profits

Insights into optimizing nitrogen for tomato yields

"We dissolve CO2 in water and apply it directly to the leaves"

Banana harvest continues in Kazakhstan’s greenhouses

Heart-shaped cucumbers for Valentine's Day

"The Google glasses of our industry"

Using predatory mites to fight against pests

Gutter protection patented

New greenhouse gutter with Spacer and high light capacity

Multifunctional farming is making more and more money

"Robust construction and suspended growing systems for optimum soft fruit growing"

Strawberry farming thrives in Jammu and Kashmir's Arnia sector as alternative to rice

US: Colorado school district to start using hydroponics for school food growth

New quality management system launched for strawberry

New cucumber variety designed to be good in low temperatures

Studying the neglected area of root and soil problems down under

Australia: New varieties of medicinal plants being bred

Study examines how to reduce nitrate accumulation in hydroponically grown lettuce

"Strong demand for Calinda despite high prices and Egyptian sea freight volumes"

Pepper growers opt more often for grafted plants: insurance with a bit more production

New advancements on gene editing regulations

€50 per cucumber to raise money for Kidsbase

"The most productive pepper cultivation research conducted under LEDs at Delphy"

China: Blueberry value boosted over 20 times by Anthocyanin extraction

NL: Insights into high-tech tomato breeding

Growing the market for snack cucumbers

Study looks at melon cultivation based on the Dutch Bucket System

Taiwan: Driving sustainable lettuce production through gutters

US: New partnership aims to bring new tomato varieties to shelves

Partnership to optimize seed production in Kenya

Researchers look at benefits of using greywater hydroponic growing in Uganda

Researchers estimate the harvest time for cherry tomatoes

India: University vegetable grafting unit inaugurated

Study reveals the protein that regulates fruit ripening

Saudi Arabia seeing success in strawberry cultivation