Horticultural suppliers, Fruit Logistica 2025, Berlin, Germany

To exchange even more knowledge, customers and partners could sign up to visit the Retail Centre - the company's own retail experience facility in Berlin.

With stronger disinfectants needed to control aggressive crop diseases, cultivation gutters face tougher cleaning agents, increasing the risk of corrosion. Designed to withstand these conditions, the MS-150 coating offers durability, high resistance to detergents and improved light reflection. The coating is fully recyclable, contains no substances such as chrome and plasticisers, has been extensively tested and has a 10-year global warranty.

Krzystof Sak (Botanicoir) on the shared stand with Legro. Last year, Legro celebrated as it celebrated 100 years of existence then. This year party at Botanicoir, which will celebrate 20 years in 2025.