HortiDaily & FloralDaily Buyers Guide
You can now obtain your copy of the fourth edition of the HortiDaily, FloralDaily Greenhouse Guide.
This new buyer's guide is fully updated and expanded with even more contact details of greenhouse constructors, screen installers, energy experts, seed suppliers, breeders, consultants and all other companies for your horticultural supplies. Whatever you need, wherever you need it, you can find it in this book
In total, 6,500 copies have been printed.
How to obtain a free copy?
At some shows we will have a booth, to others we're attending we will bring a few. If traveling isn't an option for you or you can't make it to one of the exhibitions, let us know and drop us an e-mail to get your free copy. We only ask for a 25 USD/EUR fee to cover the shipping and handling cost.
How to get a listing in the Guide
Are you a supplier and missing your company listing in the Greenhouse Guide? No worries, a fifth edition of the guide is coming up in 2024, which we hope to launch at the GreenTech in Amsterdam.
For all information, input, requests or inquiries, e-mail us at eelkje@hortidaily.com or priscilla@hortidaily.com.