With the decreasing availability of chemical correctives and restrictions on the number of insecticide applications allowed, the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) system is common for many growers. This system requires a different approach involving cultivation measures, biological control agents, and selective green crop protection agents, such as Naturalis® L and Lepinox® Plus, say HortiPro advisers. "Crucial within ICM is the right moment of deployment of the still available agents, for which a good signaling and monitoring system is necessary."
The importance of early detection and monitoring
Timely detection of pests and diseases in cultivation is essential for effective and sustainable intervention. By setting up a good signaling and monitoring system, growers gain insight into the development of pests and can take timely action when necessary. Effective monitoring helps reduce damage and minimizes the use of crop protection products, resulting in a healthier crop and better yield.
Methods for monitoring pests
To get a good understanding of the presence and development of pests, several methods can be used:
- Traps: different colors of traps attract specific insects and provide a clear picture of population development.
- Delta traps: these traps work with pheromone dispensers (w.o. SemeonPro) to attract specific insect species to record presence.
- PheroPoles™: these poles are injected with insect glue and fitted with a pheromone dispenser.
- Catchlights: effective in detecting night-active insects.
- Digital monitoring techniques: advanced technologies such as cameras and sensors allow real-time data collection and analysis.
The role of pheromones in integrated pest management
Pheromones are signaling molecules that insects use to communicate with each other. Pheromones play an important role in improving signaling and monitoring. They can attract insects in a targeted way, giving a more accurate picture of pest pressure.
With its SemeonPro line, HortiPro offers pheromones that attract up to 40% more insects to the traps. A unique feature of these pheromones is that they attract both male and female insects, providing a more complete picture of the population. "Moreover, the SemeonPro pheromones have an action duration of 6 to 8 weeks and can be handled without protective gloves, which is particularly practical," stress the crop protection specialists.
Pheromones for common pests
HortiPro now has an extensive range of 12 different SemeonPro pheromones that are effective against various pests, including:
- Cicadas - PheroCica
- Duponchelia - PheroDup
- Greenhouse whitefly - PheroDes
- Cabbage fly - PheroRadicum
- Nesidiocoris tenius - PheroNesi
- Tobacco whitefly - PheroBem
- Trips spp - PheroThrip 2.0
- Tomato looper (Chrysodeixis) - PheroDeixis
- Tuta absoluta - PheroTuta
- Mealybug (male only ) - PheroCitri
"Pheromones are indispensable in sustainable crop protection"
A well-designed signaling and monitoring system is indispensable in modern agriculture and horticulture, according to the HortiPro team. "It enables growers to intervene early and apply sustainable crop protection strategies. By using sticky traps, delta traps, catch lights, and digital monitoring techniques combined with pheromones such as SemeonPro, growers can manage pests more effectively and efficiently. This contributes to a healthier crop, better yields, and more sustainable growing practices."
For more information:
Eric Kerklaan and Lennart Simonse