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Plovdiv, June 10-13

Bulgaria: XXI Eucarpia Meeting of the Tomato Working Group

The event's program will delve into tomato genetics, genomics, breeding strategies, and sustainable agricultural practices.

The deadline for submission of abstracts to be discussed has been extended by one more month.

Event details:
Dates: June 10–13, 2025
Location: Grand Hotel Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Host: Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) and Geosemselect Ltd

Key highlights include:
Scientific Sessions: These will cover a broad spectrum of tomato research, focusing on novel breeding techniques, genetic insights, and the future of sustainable tomato production.

Keynote Speakers: Top scientists and industry leaders will offer invaluable insights into emerging trends, research breakthroughs, and future challenges in the tomato sector.

Workshops and Hands-On Sessions: Participants will be able to engage in interactive, practical workshops designed to enhance their research skills and practical knowledge.

Networking Opportunities: The event will attract a diverse mix of scientists, breeders, and stakeholders from around the globe, providing ample opportunities for fruitful networking and collaboration.

Registration information
Interested participants are to visit the official event website at for detailed information on registration, accommodation, the scientific program, and travel arrangements.

For more information:
Geosem Select

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