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Study examines the differences that artificial light and LED lights have on cucumber growth

Hydroponics is the latest innovation in farming where plants are grown in the absence of soil. In India adoption rate of hydroponics is estimated at 13 – 15 % annually. In this context, the present study was conducted to analyze the morphological characteristics of the cucumber plant in the Dutch Bucket Hydroponic system. Moreover, a comparative evaluation of morphological characteristics of cucumber plants was carried out under natural light as well as artificial light emitting diode (LED).

The experiment was carried out in the Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse (NVPH) and in the laboratory (as an indoor practice) in the campus of Dadasaheb Mokashi College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Rajmachi, Karad, Maharashtra, India. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) HY shiny variety was grown in both environments to evaluate different morphological characteristics such as average leaf count, leaf area, stem diameter, plant height, and root length. A Dutch bucket system of 10 buckets (each having a capacity of 11 liters) was installed in natural and artificial light sources. Cucumber plants were grown in both environments for June- July 2024. From the present experiment, it was observed that most of the selected parameters were found more satisfactory in artificial light as compared to natural light. Before the flowering stage, average leaf count, average leaf area, average plant height, and average root length were observed approximately 26, 123.15 cm2, 154 cm, 30.1 cm for artificial light and 22, 56.07 cm2, 110 cm, 25.3 cm for natural light, respectively. The average stem diameter was observed almost similar in both systems and it was about 1.1 cm.

Therefore, from this study, it was envisaged that overall average leaf count, average leaf area, average plant height, and average root length were improved in artificial light by 18%, 54%, 28%, and 25%, respectively over natural light.

Vibhute, Kshitiy & Mohite, Archana. (2024). Effect of Artificial LED and Natural Light on the Growth of Cucumber Plant (Cucumis sativus) in Hydroponic System. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 46. 205-213. DOI:10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i123125.

Source: Research Gate

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