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Belgium growers start winter crop of cucumbers and tomatoes

As demand for locally grown produce remains strong even in winter, BelOrta is again focusing on lit cucumbers and tomatoes this season. The first tomatoes and cucumbers from lit cultivation are now available, marking the official start of the Belgium winter season for fruit vegetables at the cooperative.

"The first Princess vine tomatoes from young cultivation have been fully available since last week, and the acreage of vine tomatoes will continue to increase in the coming days and weeks. Similarly, the first Elite vine tomatoes from exposed production will soon be available," says Maarten Verhaegen, Head of Vegetable Sales at BelOrta.

"In addition to vine tomatoes, young Baron beef tomatoes have also been available since last week," he adds. "The acreage of beef tomatoes is expanding further this week, giving BelOrta more than five hectares of this Belgian classic in production until early next year. After the holidays, we will add over 10 hectares."

"We are also committed to year-round availability of our specialty tomatoes," Verhaegen continues. "Ruby Red, cocktail truss, and cherry truss tomatoes remain consistently available, as illuminated cultivation complements traditional methods. This allows us to offer a diverse range of locally grown tomatoes throughout the winter."

Local cucumbers are also grown during the colder months. Since early this week, over 2 hectares of young, lit cucumbers have been in production, with more than 13 hectares set to be added around the turn of the year. This ensures that BelOrta can supply cucumbers year-round.

For more information:
Mechelsesteenweg 120
B-2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)15 55 11 11

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