An application for planning permission has been made by the owners of Kearns Fruit Farm Limited to expand their business with the addition of fruit tunnels and a shed.
The application, which was submitted on Tuesday, October 22, outlines that the business is seeking to erect a shed and Spanish tunnels for horticultural purposes with all ancillary and associate site works.
In the site map, it is noted that there is currently no surface water from the location discharging onto adjoining sites or public roads. There is also an existing 100,000-liter irrigation holding tank for the already in-use Spanish tunnels.
The proposed shed will have concrete walls and is 9.6 meters in height and 15.25 meters in width. It will include an external roller door, while the roof will have non-drip sheeting, timber purlins, fabricated steel trusses, and steel columns.
Read more at Irish Independent