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A Turkish season for IPM Scoutek

Founded in 2019, IPM Scoutek employs advanced software solutions to help growers optimize crop production while minimizing pesticide use. Their recent partnership with Gunal Biological, a Turkish biological company, marks a new step for the company in farming practices, particularly in the greenhouse sector.

Ella Pekyavuz, Client Success and Sales Representative at IPM Scoutek, emphasizes the collaborative nature of their approach. "We work closely with growers and their crop protection advisors to connect data with expert insights, optimizing strategies to reduce pest and disease pressures," she explains. By enabling growers to leverage both historical and real-time data, IPM Scoutek aims to establish a sustainable and cost-effective method for managing and reducing these pressures.

IPM Scoutek at the Canadian Greenhouse Conference

Software solutions
IPM Scoutek's software solutions are designed to enhance crop quality, mitigate the risk of pest and disease outbreaks, and promote sustainable practices among greenhouse growers. "We're moving towards a more sustainable way of growing," Ella explains, "and our goal is to help greenhouses reduce their reliance on chemical sprays." Market research in Turkey has shown that the country's indoor greenhouse industry is increasingly focused on precision farming, aligning with sustainable practices, crop protection, and improved efficiencies.

Collaboration with Gunal Biological
Ella explains, "We know that collaboration between our IPM software, growers, and their advisors is essential for IPM success. That's why we've partnered with Gunal Biological, a specialist in biological solutions. Combined with our data, their expertise ensures crops are well-protected while keeping remediation costs under control." This partnership enables a holistic approach to pest management.

One of the standout features of IPM Scoutek's offerings is its user-friendly mobile and web applications. Inside the greenhouse, scouts can use a mobile app to input pressure data, which is then uploaded to the cloud. This data generates real-time analytics, alerts, and a key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard, delivering invaluable insights for growers. "The biggest advantage for growers is access to real-time data for early detection and prevention," Ella notes. "Our advisor partners can also review data more efficiently, provide tailored recommendations, and, with our software, visualize the impact of their advice through our dashboards."

This not only optimizes IPM strategies but also strengthens the relationship between consultants and growers, leading to a more dynamic and productive interaction.

IPM Scoutek software

Technological challenges
Addressing the technological gap in Turkey's agricultural practices, Ella acknowledges both the challenges and opportunities in the market. "The Turkish market is advancing, particularly in tomato production, and they need more technology to remain competitive in the global economy," she points out. By leveraging IPM Scoutek's technology and collaborating with crop advisors and consultants, growers can enhance their integrated pest management (IPM) decision-making, improve crop protection, and significantly reduce costs associated with pest and disease treatment.

Boots on the ground
The collaboration with Gunal Biological is especially important as Ella highlights the importance of having "boots on the ground" since IPM Scoutek is located in Canada. With Gunal already established in the Turkish market, they bring local expertise to navigate unique challenges and have in-person influence in the various growing sites. "We're not trying to introduce ourselves into any market without any prior introduction," she emphasizes, reflecting the significance of partnerships in facilitating successful market entry.

Growth possibilities
As demand for sustainable farming practices rises, there is significant potential for IPM Scoutek in developing markets like Turkey. Ella notes, "This collaboration supports smart growing practices. By integrating our technology with Gunal Biological's expertise in entomology and bio-controls, IPM Scoutek aims to provide growers with a comprehensive solution that enhances pest management, reduces chemical use, and fosters sustainable crop protection."

Flexibility in crop management
The flexibility of IPM Scoutek's software to accommodate a wide range of indoor crops—from vegetables and fruits to ornamentals and cannabis—is a key strength of their platform. Ella explains that the platform is designed to be highly adaptable, allowing growers to monitor their crops effectively, regardless of crop type or greenhouse configuration. This provides growers with full IPM traceability across different crop varieties.

An advanced reporting feature, set for release soon, will further enhance growers' decision-making and future IPM planning. "These reports allow growers to compare one season to the next, helping them identify what worked, what didn't, and what changes could lead to continuous improvement each season," Ella notes.

She adds, "We're hearing from many clients that not only are they reducing the number of products they need to apply—saving them money—but they also no longer need to manually compile data on spreadsheets, which saves time and effort. The value of having real-time information is ultimately the key to keeping crops safe and healthy."

For more information:
IPM Scoutek