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Laos: providing school children with vegetables from a home garden

Nestled among fields in the Savannakhet province of Laos, her garden is a testament to sustainable agricultural practices. Seesamout's efforts are not only transforming her community's connection with the land but also improving their nutrition.

Seesamout's journey began modestly, with a small garden.

"When I was young, we used to have a small garden, but it was just for the family to grow and eat the vegetables. At that time, we didn't have a market or any place where we could sell the vegetables," she says.

Seesamout's dedication caught the attention of the Learning and Engaging All in Primary Schools project, or LEAPS, funded by USDA's McGovern-Dole Food For Education and Child Nutrition Program and implemented by Catholic Relief Services in partnership with Laos' Ministry of Education and Sports. Through LEAPS, Seesamout received training in advanced gardening techniques, including the production of natural, chemical-free fertilizer. This knowledge has been a catalyst for growth, allowing her to expand her organic greenhouse.

Read more at CRS.

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