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AI or human, who waters better?

To that question, students of Dutch college Zone. will seek answers in a new cucumber experiment. One row of cucumbers will be watered using AI (i.e. when the plant asks for it), and the rest of the cucumbers will be watered in the normal way (i.e. when the students think it is needed).

The students set up the trial in collaboration with Alja and Fleur from Vivent

The trial aims to see what the production and growth of both trials are, and whether this allows for water savings and a healthier crop. The trial was set up in collaboration with Vivent for the Cultivation & Technology course.

Vivent's sensors record electrical signals, and using machine learning and AI, the signals from plants can be interpreted and put into graphs. Carl Rentes of Vivent gave a well-attended master class at the Crop & Technology course last school year. On this day, the idea was born to turn this data into a new trial.


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