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Crate turner and tray robot in one helps strawberry grower automate logistics

Peter Veltman has taught himself to make highly sought-after machines. He does that with his company Fieldman. One such self-developed machine is running at strawberry grower Royal Berry, Peter tells a Dutch local paper.

It is a machine line, according to three bits of video that together show the whole process, from flipping open crates and de-nesting trays to placing the trays in the crates. "It's a robot and a crate flipper in one. Folding open five crates at once, no person can do that."

Previously, humans did this work. Now the robot line does it for the strawberry grower in Bemmel, with only 1.5 men left in eight hours, where previously 18 people worked on the job 24 hours a day.

In the newspaper, the techie reveals he is also working on a solution for manually cutting strawberry plants. With his inventions, Peter helps growers such as Royal Berry, as well as other fruit growers, to reduce human labor and speed up production processes. Topical, now that migrant workers are being widely discussed in politics. "I thought: there stands my sandwich," Peter says in the newspaper about the VVD vision document he took note of. The VVD hopes for automation that will reduce the need for migrant workers.

The machine line is cut up into three videos.

Crate flipping robot


Ontnester filling group

For more information:
Peter Veltman
[email protected]

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