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Mexico: Cucurbit growers discuss market challenges

"Today's growers need to achieve the highest production and the best quality to defend themselves in a highly competitive market, trying to ensure greater profitability", says Luis Angulo with Syngenta. That's why last month, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds hosted a Cucurbit Master Summit. Almost 200 people attended the event.

"We wanted to provide valuable tools to producers and marketers of cucurbits in Mexico through an event with relevant conferences", Luis adds. On the agenda were topics as the market trends, carbon footprint, abiotic stress in cucurbits and the latest developments in the Syngenta Vegetable Seeds portfolio for cucurbits, including watermelon, melon and squash.

Also the "I Love Watermelon" concept was presented, a program that recognizes the efforts of watermelon growers and their field production teams. Watermelon & Melon varieties shown include the Delciosa, Virtue, and Novira. "Deliciosa has very good fruit size, a dark skin and excellent plant vigor. It's resistant to powdery mildew, just like Virtue, which has a high-quality fruit, with good sizes, and a medium green skin", Luis shows. "Novira is a harper type melon with good plant vigor, and high fruit quality, and resistance to yellowing virus CYSDV." Another Harper type melon presented was melon Heidi. "Strong plant, uniformly sized fruits and very good resistance to powdery mildew."

He adds Syngenta breeds hybrids to provide excellent field performance on a continuous basis, "We want to differentiate ourselves from the rest in the market with high quality fruits. The fruit sizes delivered by our hybrids help us maintain uniformity in highly marketable sizes and a quality that is very attractive to the final consumer."

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