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Tianjin Qiyi plans to add over 70 hectares of greenhouses

"We are looking to expand the market potential of raspberry in China"

"Raspberry is not a popular fruit in China yet, and the growing area is limited. However, raspberry has a high added value with abundant nutrients, and the market potential will be huge if we find the right way to promote it. By modern greenhouse techniques, the yield will be improved, and the taste and quality will also change," Li Maosheng, CEO of Tianjin Qiyi Agricultural Co. Ltd says.

A cooperation agreement on greenhouse horticulture has been signed.

"As early as 2017, we started to grow raspberries in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China, but the project was stopped due to land issues. Now, we have farms in Qinghai and Tangshan, and we plan to build a greenhouse (73 hectares) in Tianjin soon for raspberry production", shares Li. "In June this year, we went to the Netherlands to visit some farms and greenhouse companies. We visited the aluminum alloy factory of Boal and had a very nice talk. A cooperation agreement on greenhouse horticulture has been signed there. We will cooperate more on berry production by greenhouse horticulture together with Boal."

Breeding of domestic varieties
Now, the majority of varieties of raspberry are from overseas breeders. "For a long-term business plan, it's necessary to have our own breeding varieties. We are now cooperating with domestic universities for the innovation of varieties."

Develop more raspberry-related products
Storage is a key issue for raspberry; long-term transportation is almost impossible. "Our research team is actively working on preservation technology to extend shelf life. In addition, we are also talking with juice companies to explore the possibility of raspberry juice and pulp. Currently, the knowledge of raspberry in China is far from enough. We hope that more people can join the raspberry industry, together to strengthen the market of raspberries.

More info:
Tianjin Qiyi Agricultural Co. Ltd
Contact: Li Maosheng
Mobile: +86 13383130007
Email: [email protected]