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Analysis of the 2023/24 Andalusian greenhouse vegetable season

"Prices have remained favorable for producers"

In its analysis of the 2023/24 greenhouse fruit and vegetable season, the Prices and Markets Observatory of the Andalusian Regional Government reveals that the increase in production has been accompanied by falling prices at source compared to the previous season. Nevertheless, "prices have remained favorable for producers."

"The season started with a delay in the transplanting of some crops intended to avoid the high summer temperatures and the greater presence of pests, so it started with warm temperatures that were favorable for the production."

"No extreme values were recorded in the fall, but temperatures remained at below optimal levels for several weeks, which slowed the harvesting down and gave prices a boost. However, from January onwards, the mild temperatures accelerated the production once again and prices at source fell," says the analysis. "These weather conditions have been a determining factor in the increase of the production, but also in the higher incidence of pests and diseases. Still, the prevention and containment work carried out by growers has helped slow the production losses down."

Good profitability for pepper growers
The pepper production season came to a close in early May with good results and an average season price of around €1.07 per kg. "Compared to the exceptionally high prices of last season, this period has been characterized by price stability, a slight increase in the production and good profitability for the growers."

Further growth of the tomato acreage
As far as tomatoes are concerned, "the acreage has increased for the second consecutive year, encouraged by good prices, which reached record levels up to January."

"The lower Andalusian production at the beginning of the season, caused by a delay in the transplanting date, together with the considerable reduction in the Moroccan supply in the initial months of the season due to the impact of a strong heat wave and later by the ToBRFV virus, have been beneficial for the marketing of the Andalusian production. Ignoring the cherry type, tomatoes have recorded an average price of around €0.77 per kg this season."

Stability for cucumbers
The cucumber season has finished with good financial and productive results and an average price of around €0.82 per kg. "The cucumber supply has been 4% greater than last season, and there have been no remarkable price fluctuations during the whole period."

Positive balance for zucchini, despite the increase in the production
As for zucchini, "the increase in the production, of approximately 10-15% compared to last season, has pushed prices down. In spite of this, the product has offered a positive balance and an average price of around €0.64 per kg."

Eggplants have recorded "the most unfavorable prices of the season"
"The increase in the production compared to last season (+15-20%) has caused an imbalance in the supply and demand and reduced the crop's profitability. The average price for the season has amounted to around €0.53 per kg."

Favorable watermelon and melon season for the growers
"Prices fell in the second half of April due to the low temperatures in Europe. In May, the slowdown in the production rate due to the impact of the haze in April coincided with a higher demand, boosted by the good weather in Spain and Europe, so prices reached unusually high levels that made up for the smaller volumes harvested," says the report.

You can check the full report and the data on exports up to April in the following link.