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Asaja Almeria takes stock of the 2023/24 horticultural campaign

Notable increase in production and acreage, but great concern over falling prices

In the 2023-2024 campaign, Almeria's greenhouse acreage grew by 0.61% to 33,100 hectares, with total production rising 14% to 3.82 million tons. However, despite this increase, a 22% drop in economic value due to falling market prices challenges the sector's financial stability, highlighting the critical need to address price volatility.

In the 2023-2024 horticultural campaign, "significant progress has been recorded in terms of acreage and production, despite financial challenges linked to the fall in market prices," says Asaja Almeria. "The most recent data point to sustained growth in the greenhouse acreage and in the total production, although the economic value of this production has dropped considerably."

"As far as growth in the acreage and production is concerned, the greenhouse acreage has reached 33,100 hectares, which represents an increase of 0.61% compared to the previous season. Also, taking double cycles into account, the area under production has reached 49,316 hectares, 1% more than last season. In terms of total production, there has been a notable 14% increase, with the volume reaching 3.82 million tons. This growth is mainly a consequence of better virus and pest control, favorable weather conditions and the expansion of the acreage."

"In financial terms, however, despite the growth in the volume, the value of the production has dropped by a drastic 22%, mainly due to falling prices for all agricultural products. These price drops have had a significant impact on the incomes of producers, despite efforts to maintain stability in the production."

"As far as the season is concerned, there has been a 33% drop in the average price of peppers which has taken a toll on the total value, despite a 4% increase in the production. The tomato production has increased by 8%, but the total value has fallen due to a 18% drop in the price. As for cucumbers, both the acreage and production have increased, but their average price has fallen by 22%. The average prices of zucchini and eggplant have dropped significantly and that has also had an impact on the total value of their productions. The average price of melons has been 5% higher, and watermelons have grown by 35% in terms of volume and by 7% in terms of average price."

"The balance of the 2023-2024 horticultural campaign reveals solid growth in terms of acreage and production. The sector has been making notable efforts in the improvement of cultivation and management techniques; however, falling prices have posed a significant challenge for producers and negatively affected the value of the productions. Dealing with these market fluctuations will be key to the future stability and prosperity of Almeria's horticultural sector."

"Despite the current economic challenges, the resilience and adaptability of Almeria's growers lead us to expect a prosperous and sustainable future for the region's horticulture sector."

For more information:
Asaja Almeria
Calle Pablo Picasso, 04745 La Mojonera
Almería, Spain
Tel.: +34 950 29 09 56
[email protected]

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