What is the role of greenhouse horticulture in the food transition? With that question, a number of young people from the Slow Food Youth Network Academy - an incubator for young Dutch food innovators - set to work. They developed a game with which participants exchange facts, insights and opinions about that role. This exchange contributes to mutual understanding and new collaborations on solutions to major societal challenges. Greenport West-Holland reports that the game - Glastuinbouw De Game - was presented last week during a meeting at Koppert Cress.
When it emerged late last year that greenhouse horticulture was (again) missing from the programming of the SFYN Academy - a breeding ground for young Dutch food innovators - Innovation Pact Greenport West-Holland, Glastuinbouw Nederland, EatThis and Province of South Holland joined forces. The goal? To break the bubble of the greenhouse horticulture sector and offer young people a key position in redesigning our food system. To this end, a group of five young people worked to bring together different worlds (ecologists, technologists, the city). This approach led, among other things, to the game that was developed.
Source: Greenport West-Holland