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John van Santen appointed as the new commercial director of Metazet

John van Santen has been appointed as the new Commercial Director of Metazet effective September 1st.

"We are delighted to welcome John to our team," said Luke van Adrichem, General Director of Metazet. "His extensive knowledge of the horticulture sector and his proven leadership skills are a great asset to Metazet. We look forward to working together towards our shared ambition to grow and strengthen the future of the sector."

John van Santen looks forward to his new role at Metazet with enthusiasm: "I am very excited to start at Metazet. Metazet is known for its innovative solutions and strong market position. I see many opportunities to realize our ambitions together with the team, enter new markets, and contribute to the further development and growth of the horticulture sector."

For more information:
De Lierseweg 6, 2291PD
Wateringen, the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (174) 22 58 22
[email protected]

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