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Andrew Storey to be the new director Royal Brinkman UK

From July 1st, 2024, Andrew Storey will be the new director at Royal Brinkman UK. In this role, he will be responsible for managing the team and commercial results. In close cooperation with a solid sales team and experienced product specialists, Andrew will further implement the wishes of the market.

With Andrew Storey, Royal Brinkman UK acquires an experienced director with an exceptional track record. Andrew has great experience in business development and proved to be a strong, dynamic leader. John Heijboer, Commercial Manager Europe at Royal Brinkman:
"I am glad Andrew chose Royal Brinkman UK. His experience in business development is a perfect fit for rolling out the new strategy. I therefore have every confidence in Andrew".

The coming period will be all about getting to know the organization and the industry more closely. Andrew is looking forward to meeting customers as soon as the situation allows. "I am confident that we can continue to build a future-proof and steady service for all our customers. I am lucky to work with a dedicated, solid sales team and well-experienced product specialists."

From July 1st 2024, Andrew Storey will be the new director at Royal Brinkman UK. In this role, he will be responsible for managing the team and commercial results. In close cooperation with a solid sales team and experienced product specialists, Andrew will further implement the wishes of the market.

With Andrew Storey, Royal Brinkman UK acquires an experienced director with an exceptional track record. Andrew has great experience in business development and proved to be a strong, dynamic leader. John Heijboer, Commercial Manager Europe at Royal Brinkman:
"I am glad Andrew chose Royal Brinkman UK. His experience in business development is a perfect fit for rolling out the new strategy. I therefore have every confidence in Andrew".

The coming period will be all about getting to know the organization and the industry more closely. Andrew is looking forward to meeting customers as soon as the situation allows. "I am confident that we can continue to build a future-proof and steady service for all our customers. I am lucky to work with a dedicated, solid sales team and well-experienced product specialists."

For more information:
Royal Brinkman
[email protected]

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