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Turkey’s fresh fruit and vegetable exports surge to $284 million in May

Turkey achieved a remarkable milestone in May, exporting fresh fruits and vegetables worth $284 million. The Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association (AKIB) President, Ferhat Guruz, announced that the sector saw a 14% increase compared to the same period last year, BazaarTime informs.

Guruz highlighted that 354,282 tons of fresh produce were sold in international markets during this period. "In May, Turkey's fresh produce exports reached $284 million. Our association contributed 43% to this performance, with regional exports amounting to $122.4 million," he stated.

The export sector witnessed notable increases in key markets, with Russia, Iraq, and Germany being the top destinations. "We achieved a 339% increase in the Iraqi market and a 126% increase in the German market. Significant growth was also recorded in Libya, the Czech Republic, and Georgia," Guruz noted.

In terms of specific products, peaches led the pack with $81.2 million in exports, followed by cherries and sour cherries at $34.6 million, and tomatoes at $28.6 million. This strong performance underscores Turkey's growing influence in the global fresh produce market.


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