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Fall Creek appoints new leadership in the Americas

Fall Creek® has announced updates to its management team to bolster its footprint across the Americas. Ricardo Polis has been named regional director for the Americas, expanding his previous role to oversee operations in Chile, Peru, the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This move is aimed at enhancing the company's organizational framework to support ongoing growth in these markets.

Ricardo Polis emphasized the goal of streamlining operations and ensuring consistent processes across all locations. "My role is to support the general management of each country to improve intercommunication and establish homogeneous processes," he said. He also mentioned the company's focus on leveraging its R&D department to introduce new blueberry varieties to the market.

Ricardo Polís and Julio Zavala.

Julio Zavala has been promoted to general manager for Peru, where he will maintain his commercial management duties to facilitate a seamless transition. Zavala stressed the strategic importance of innovation and the introduction of new blueberry varieties. "We are promoting new selections that will benefit our producers and strengthen our presence in the global market," he stated, also noting Peru's leading position in fresh blueberry exports and Fall Creek®'s pioneering investment in the country's blueberry genetics sector.


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