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Euroseeds calls for fair competition and quality assurance in Plant Reproductive Material Regulation

Euroseeds, representing the vast majority of plant variety developers and seed suppliers in Europe, would like to thank the Belgian Presidency of the Council for their active engagement in the Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) proposal.

Even though much work needs still to be done, based on the paper presented today in the AGRI-FISH Council, we believe that there is a possibility for the Council to reach a general approach during the Hungarian Presidency, which has already included it in its work programme for the next six months.

Commenting on paper, Garlich von Essen, Secretary General & CEO of Euroseeds, stated that "breeders need fair competition and farmers deserve proper assurance regarding the quality and performance of any seed they purchase. The European legislators need to maintain the right balance between flexibility for different kinds of PRM to go to the different markets, and the proper identification, performance, technical quality standards, and freedom from pests and diseases of all seed and Plant Reproductive Material."

"We call the Council to consider these aspects during their further discussions. Euroseeds remains committed to engaging in dialogue with policymakers to ensure that the final legislation supports innovation, fair competition, and quality assurance in the seed sector."

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