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RipeLocker Partners with distributor in Ecuador to deploy their technology to the floral market

RipeLocker, a company which specializes in post-harvest hypobaric storage solution announces a partnership with AgroIdeas, a supplier of storage and logistics in Ecuador. This collaboration aims to introduce RipeLockers, the technology for extending the shelf life of floral and fruit, to the Ecuadorian market.

RipeLocker is a post-harvest solution designed to address the challenges of waste and loss in the perishables industry. By leveraging advanced low-atmospheric control technology, RipeLockers seek to prolong the freshness and quality of fruits, florals, tree nuts, and vegetables, ensuring longer shelf life, and reducing spoilage rates significantly.

Through this partnership, AgroIdeas will serve as the exclusive distributor of RipeLockers in Ecuador, bringing this solution directly to growers/packers/shippers across the country. According to RipeLocker, this collaboration signifies a commitment to sustainability and efficiency in the cold chain, aligning with the global efforts to reduce food waste and promote environmental responsibility.

"We are thrilled to partner with AgroIdeas to introduce RipeLockers to the important Ecuadorian market," said Julian Lewis, VP of Sales of RipeLocker. "RipeLocker is disrupting the floral industry with a game-changing capability to store inventory for extended periods and grow profits for everyone in the supply chain. With AgroIdeas we have the perfect partner to provide our patented technology and services to Ecuadorean growers. Juan Yazbek & AgroIdeas have the professionalism and experience to enable customers to revolutionize post-harvest storage practices in Ecuador. With RipeLockers, we aim to empower businesses to minimize waste, maximize profitability, and contribute to a more sustainable future."

"We are excited to add RipeLocker to our portfolio of innovative solutions," said Juan Yazbek, CEO at AgroIdeas. "This partnership enables us to offer our customers cutting-edge technology that addresses a critical need in the floral industry. RipeLocker aligns perfectly with our commitment to delivering quality products and sustainable solutions to the Ecuadorian market.

RipeLockers will soon be available through AgroIdeas' distribution channels in Ecuador, offering growers a game-changing solution to preserve the freshness and quality of their florals, ultimately reducing waste and maximizing profitability."

The technology behind RipeLocker chambers
RipeLocker chambers offer a patented system to manage the atmospheric pressure, and gas composition (oxygen and CO2) within its chambers to extend the life of fresh produce, flowers, and tree nuts. Based on the specific needs of each type of perishable, RipeLocker tailors operating parameters, such as internal pressure, oxygen, and CO2 levels, to optimize longevity and freshness. The system continuously reports operating data, enabling real-time decision-making to senescence and decay.

"We designed our pallet-sized chambers to be easily deployed and used in existing cold chains. Produced using novel materials and highly scalable manufacturing processes, the RipeLocker chamber is the first solution that can be delivered cost-effectively in mass volume," the RipeLocker team states. RipeLocker has patents on both chamber design and method of operation.

For more information:
Selynn Vong
[email protected]

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