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New organic lettuce blends launched

Recently, Misionero introduced an Organic Renaissance Blend–a butter-forward restaurant-style salad, as well as the Organic Red Butter Blend, and the team is ready to discuss these items and the rest of the product lineup at the Organic Produce Summit next month.

The company is committed to organic practices and also aims to expand its product offerings, improve distribution channels, and enhance consumer engagement.

The company will be discussing these two new products at the upcoming Organic Produce Summit.

Misionero will also participate in a keynote session during the show. The Cracking the Code: Label Messaging at Retail panel will take place on Thursday, July 11th, and include Misionero CEO Joe Merenda. This session will discuss the keywords consumers face when shopping for fresh produce and how messaging either resonates or confuses consumers.

Visit Misionero at booth #61

For more information:
Hana Mohsin
[email protected]

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