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"Sea freight costs have surged by nearly 20%, intensifying market competition for temperature and humidity loggers"

The peak season for stone fruits in the southern hemisphere is ending. According to Frutas de Chile, Chilean peaches and plums have achieved the best export results in recent years. Plum products, in particular, have performed exceptionally well, becoming Chile's second-largest fresh fruit export to China after cherries. This increase in fruit exports has also fueled the industry's demand for temperature and humidity loggers.

Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences Co., Ltd. recently launched the U-tech disposable data logger, with market demand continuing to grow. Siya, the sales manager at Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences, stated, "Compared to 3G and 4G networked temperature and humidity data loggers, disposable USB temperature loggers have great market potential. Our recently launched U-tech disposable logger uses food-grade packaging, is safe and waterproof, and is very easy to use. Customers only need to plug the device into a computer, and a PDF temperature report is automatically generated without any software or reader."

Siya highlighted the product's advantages, noting, "The main advantage of the U-tech disposable USB temperature logger is its cost-effectiveness, meeting the basic needs of merchants for trade. The USB temperature logger is non-networked and 6 to 10 times cheaper than the 4G series."

"The 4G temperature and humidity logger series is incomplete, and network coverage is insufficient. Additionally, manufacturing costs have increased due to the unstable chip industry environment. Therefore, we suspended 4G product sales early last year to focus on promoting and selling the basic U-tech logger. Our U-tech disposable USB temperature logger has seen continued sales growth in recent years," Siya explained. "Besides its cost-effectiveness, we use TI digital temperature sensors, which offer high accuracy and consistency. This product has a temperature measurement range of -30°C to +70°C, an accuracy of ±0.5°C/0.9°F, and a resolution of 0.01°C/°F. The maximum capacity is 14,400 data points, with a recording period of up to 120 days."

According to Siya, it is currently the peak season for fruits in the Northern Hemisphere, but recent ocean freight cost increases of nearly 20% have led some companies to reduce exports, making the market for temperature and humidity loggers highly competitive.

For more information:
Siya Wang
Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences Co., Ltd.
Whatsapp/Tel: +8613436307220