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"Reliable results in 15 minutes of operation time"

Quickly testing suspected plants for virus fills growers' demand

As fast as growers can now test their plants for viruses in the greenhouse with Spark Radar's Radar High Volume, the development of that virus testing kit was not as fast. Unfortunately not, indicates Rogier van der Voort. Together with co-founder Bas Rutjens and now Menno Boot, he is building the company into a virus testing specialist in horticulture.

Menno Boot

Nevertheless, the still young company did manage to come up with a new variant on the market soon after the first test kit. "Growers asked for this Quick Scan, which allows them to very specifically test one plant with the applicable for our test, robustness, specificity and reliability."

This symptomatic test, like the pre-symptomatic Radar High Volume for 100 plants, is also freeze-dried and thus can be used worldwide without logistical constraints. The market launch of the Radar Quick Scan had already been announced last autumn. However, the exposed cultivation season in Europe came just too early.

After all, developing a good virus test takes time. However, now that the greenhouses are back in full production, this is the time when growers may again encounter plants with virus symptoms. And the rapid test comes in handy.

"We are marketing this symptomatic test per 10 at a price of 12 euros per test. This way, we introduce as many users as possible to the possibilities, also of our Radar High Volume where growers use the same hardware."

The company developed its own equipment to read the tests. "The in-house developed equipment used to read the test is extremely precise and helps ensure the high reliability and sensitivity of our test."

When using the Radar Quick Scan, the grower pricks the plant to be tested. Taking leaf material is not necessary. After pricking, the user transfers the material directly to the test solution. "With reliable results within 15 minutes," he says.

The team at GreenTech Amsterdam is visiting the fair and can be reached to make an appointment.

For more information:
Rogier van der Voort
Spark Radar
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
[email protected]
[email protected]

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