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Call from 70 parties

"Dutch approach to global food security works"

A coalition of Dutch companies, knowledge institutions, and civil society organizations wants to work with the new government to improve global food security. Supporting farmers and consumers in the Netherlands and abroad and commitment to climate-resilient food systems in low- and middle-income countries are central to this.

The coalition believes that, based on its knowledge, expertise, experience, international cooperation, and trade position, the Netherlands must commit to making our food system more sustainable in the coming years to contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Concrete help to the cabinet
"The coalition is pleased that the new prospective cabinet agrees that the Netherlands contributes to food security and water management in other countries (Main Outline Agreement page 23) and is therefore extending an outstretched hand to the incoming cabinet to continue to work together on a resilient food system that contributes positively to the climate challenges and increasing global food security."

This is fleshed out concretely in three points:

  • Provide stability and continuity through increased ambition for international cooperation with adequate financial resources
  • Link the Climate Agenda to the Food System Approach with context-specific efforts and investments
  • Bring the above points together in a long-term, government-wide International Food and Nutrition Security Strategy and involve the coalition in shaping and giving substance to this policy

This is essential because:

  1. 74% of the diverse Dutch menu comes from abroad
  2. 80% of global horticultural projects involve Dutch technology
  3. Dutch knowledge institutions, with Wageningen University & Research leading the way, are world leaders in Food and Nutrition Security Research
  4. 0.5% of national income is spent on 'development cooperation'. While the Dutch think it is 3.6%
  5. 4.3% of total climate funding goes to agri-food systems while on average 29% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused
  6. The Netherlands has signed a commitment with 133 other countries to integrate food and agriculture into their climate plans by 2025. This covers 70% of the world's land.
  7. 10.6 million small-scale farmers reached with activities aimed at increasing productivity and income

Everything comes together
Signatories include representation from both the agriculture and food sectors and the climate and nature sectors. New supporters can sign up by sending an email to: [email protected]

For more information:
NFP Connects

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