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Started as an intern, stayed for 26 years

Arie started his career at Berg as an intern. He was studying Mechanical Engineering and was assigned Berg as an internship. Arie has now been working at Berg for 26 years. When asked what still makes working at Berg so much fun, Arie replies: 'I'm working on technical issues every day and we're always developing the product further. That's great!' His current position is Operations Manager. In this role, he is responsible for taking orders from sales and is the link between sales and production, so to speak, from goods receipt (purchase parts), to shipping. And, of course, production in between.

'My contribution to the BeNomic Star is that, in consultation with sales and the colleagues from operations, I translate customer requirements into technical solutions,' says Arie. Arie envisions the development of the BeNomic Star as follows: 'We will always keep responding to market demand and you can see that from the past few years. Our BeNomic is constantly changing to meet customer demands. And that's the way it should be," Arie says. After 26 years, one of the things Arie is really proud of is his contribution to the optimisation of the production process.

Berg Hortimotive
Burgemeester Crezéelaan 42a
2678 KZ, De Lier
Tel.: +31 (0)174 51 77 00
[email protected]

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