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Wouter from Berg:

"We have stayed in tune with changing needs"

Wouter van Leeuwen started at Berg 7 years ago as a Manufacturing Engineer / Designer. That was more or less a double role and it has brought him a lot of knowledge about how things work at Berg and what Berg does. It prepared him for his current position within the Product development team, which is now Team Lead.

The Product Development team that Wouter gets to lead is responsible for the development of the entire Berg portfolio, including the BeNomic Star. Together with his team, he works on the further development of the BeNomic Star. This includes mechanics, hydraulics and electrics. Wouter and his team also look at regulations and manufacturability. 'We all ensure that the product continues to be developed so that we can deliver a high-quality product to our customers, also towards the future,' says Wouter. He sees the BeNomic Star as a product that has grown with Berg and the changes in horticulture. For example, over the past 50-60 years, greenhouses have become higher and higher and so, after the two-scissor, three- and four-scissors also came on the market. 'In the future, it is important for the BeNomic Star to keep up with developments in horticulture,' says Wouter. The nice thing at Berg, especially for a developer like Wouter, is working in a nice team.

At Berg, he was given the opportunity and responsibility to take things on himself. The fact that you can walk straight from your desk into the factory at Berg is also super. That way, you can actually follow and monitor products you have designed and invented with the team through the production process. And that's great for a developer like Wouter.

Berg Hortimotive
Burgemeester Crezéelaan 42a
2678 KZ, De Lier
Tel.: +31 (0)174 51 77 00
[email protected]

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