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"Pest Management Centre critical to Canada’s food security"

With the constant threat of pests, diseases, weeds and other environmental challenges, fruit and vegetable growers rely on innovative, sustainable solutions to protect their crops, while minimizing the impact on the environment and human health.

Keeping crops protected benefits all Canadians and safeguards our food security. It's about reducing food waste, and improving access, affordability, and reliability of the supply of healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables year-round. New and advanced crop protection products play a major role in keeping crops healthy, while at the same time increasing safety for humans and reducing our impact on the environment.

Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) oversees the regulation of crop protection products in Canada to ensure they pose minimal risk to human health and the environment. Grounded in science-based decision-making, PMRA reviews vast amounts of data and information to determine if products meet our stringent standards for use in Canada.

As many traditional crop products have been phased out over time by PMRA, it becomes crucial for growers to access new, thoroughly tested products meeting modern safety standards and effectively addressing pests, diseases, and weeds.


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