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Enza Zaden starts construction of new research facilities

The construction of new research facilities in Enkhuizen was officially started on May 23rd. The first plants are expected to be planted by the end of 2024.

Andreas Sewing, Chief Scientific Officer, and Dirk Neelis, Chief Financial Officer of Enza Zaden, unveiled the construction sign, signaling the start of the construction of the research facilities.

Andreas: "The new building is part of a broader plan for the Enkhuizen site. With a growing world population and a changing climate, there is a constant demand for improved vegetable varieties, such as varieties that give higher yields, are resistant to diseases or can withstand extreme weather conditions. The construction of state-of-the-art research facilities will help Enza Zaden to develop these crops".

The project includes the construction of a 1-hectare greenhouse, an office building, a technical area, and an energy center. The facilities will be used primarily for the development of new cucumber varieties.

The design is modular so that long-term expansion can be considered, also from a sustainability perspective. The building will be as energy self-sufficient as possible, and water use will be carefully managed. The new building has 936 solar panels to power both the new and existing facilities, and rainwater is collected and stored in a cistern. After treatment, it will be used for irrigation.

For more information:
Enza Zaden
+31 (0)228 350100
[email protected]

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