The Mexican broccoli market is down and currently running between $11 and $13. “Our growing region Pueblo saw cold weather about a month ago, but production is back to normal levels now,” says Vince Rosa with V&H Fresh. “Given that broccoli is not really being promoted this time of year, supply easily outpaces demand. Growers in Mexico will need to make about $13 in order to continue harvesting and shipping. If the market is below that, they will stop shipping to the US and wait for the market to react. That’s the point they are at now,” commented Rosa.
Growing costs
V&H Fresh’s broccoli is shipped through McAllen, TX and distributed in all of the US and Canada. “This time of year, there is not much competition as it is too cold in Canada to grow broccoli.” In the US, it’s just Florida, California, and Arizona that go year-round. While California and Arizona broccoli is priced a bit higher compared to Mexican product ($16-$18 currently), it’s also more expensive to grow in the US. “The cost of land, labor, water, etc. is all lower in Mexico. In addition, shipping from California to New York is $8,000 per truck while McAllen, TX to New York is $5,500.” With Mexican product undergoing very stringent quality control, more and more chain stores are now accepting Mexican-grown broccoli as it offers better value to stores and customers. Around May/June, it gets a little tougher as that’s when the competition from other states and Canada starts.”
V&H Fresh brings in both conventional and organic broccoli from Pueblo, MX year-round. “We handle about 750,000 cases annually with roughly one-third being organic,” Rosa said. “Pueblo has a perfect climate for broccoli, resulting in really good quality product.” The organic category has witnessed an increase in volume in recent years. “Moms of young children in particular often consider organic broccoli for their kids as they want the best for their children.”
For more information:
Vince Rosa
V&H Fresh, LLC
Ph: +1 (918) 957-5053