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Researchers detect ToBRFV on central Peruvian coast

Through the use of molecular tools, a team of researchers from the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza National University of Amazonas, the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University, and the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA), has identified the presence of the Rugose Brown Tomato Fruit Virus (ToBRFV, Tobamovirus), also known as 'Tomato rough fruit virus', in commercial fields located on the central coast of Peru.

ToBRFV, initially registered in the Middle East in 2014, has been detected in various tomato plantations around the world, generating concern among both farmers and the scientific community. In addition, Peruvian researchers have reported the presence of the Peru Tomato Mosaic Virus (PToMV, Potyvirus), known as 'peruanito', in the same area.

This study, presented during the session "Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Genetics, Genomics, and Biotechnology" at the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences, will provide farmers and professionals in the sector with valuable tools for making strategic decisions in the choice of crops.

In addition, it will strengthen genetic improvement programs aimed at developing tomato varieties with greater tolerance or resistance to these viruses present on the Peruvian coast.

Click here to access the study.

Source: Agro Peru

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