After a long period of rain, a period of freezing cold is finally arriving for ice skating enthusiasts in the Dutch and Belgian winters. Many growers have purchased or already installed an anti-condensation screen to prevent energy loss, as noted by Henri van Hemert of Oerlemans Plastics Horticulture.
"Anti-condensation foil saves up to 35% on energy costs, making it especially useful now with the cold weather approaching. The material has been used for many years, even as a second or third screen. During winter months, the anti-condensation foil is used as an additional screen to create a favorable climate for new crops by trapping heat, thereby aiding in energy savings."
Growers thread AC foil instead of using staples
Unique feature: The Dutch producer has rolls of anti-condensation foil in all widths in stock. "A horticultural entrepreneur who still needs this energy-saving measure for the current season can place orders immediately, as long as the stock lasts."
The foil acts as a barrier that retains warmth and holds condensation in a layer, explained Henri. "This is something regular foil doesn't do, preventing moisture from dripping down in the greenhouse."
The foil can be custom-made for any greenhouse, ridge length, and size. It can also be perforated to create the most homogeneous climate possible for each greenhouse.
Gas savings
At VOF van Winden, the horticultural company owned by Harry van Winden from Brabant Made, they started using Oerlemans Plastics Horticulture's anti-condensation foil (AC foil) for cucumber cultivation last year. "I save about 5 cubic meters of gas per week on my 28,000 m2 during an average winter," Harry shared last autumn on this channel.
For more information:
Henri van Hemert
Oerlemans Plastics Horticulture
Kleibergsestraat 4
4265 GB, Genderen
Tel.: 06-52390199