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Tomato grower finds success in taking matters into their own hands

On a dark December Wednesday, Maurice Langeslag, together with Nikki and Tom Peters from Wim Peters Nurseries, were setting up a large party tent while attending other tasks. Christmas was around the corner, and they wanted to share some of that blissful Christmas spirit with the company's staff.

This was a pivotal moment for the Dutch family business. Wim's three children have become the fourth generation to join the tomato cultivation company.

A new significant step is coming: independent participation in Fruit Logistica 2024. This move is part of the extensive action plan that a four-member board, together with Wim's children who are 'gradually rolling in' is working on. The goal is to be able to continue the family tradition for centuries to come. Wim: "Despite our ambitions, we want to remain a socially active family business. That can be quite challenging, but it's in our DNA."

Maurice Langeslag, Nick Greijmans, Tom Peters, Lisa Peters, Wim Peters, Nikki Peters, and Wilbert van Bussel. Wim: "I have a lot of confidence in the team."

Customer-oriented tomato cultivation
A severe hailstorm in the summer of 2016 seemed to throw a wrench at the company. The greenhouses were completely destroyed. Even today, 'almost everyone' asks about it. Even though we are not touching upon this topic, suffice to know that it pushed the company to implement new things that are still active nowadays.

Currently, Wim Peters Nurseries spans a total of 31 hectares. Twenty-one hectares of this area is equipped with lighting. This winter, the lights will be turned on in 15 hectares. Last winter, it was only 4 hectares due to the energy crisis.

The greenhouses are divided into smaller sections that can be controlled separately, where they grow multiple varieties. Those who knock on the door of the greenhouse can choose from cherry tomatoes on the vine, plum tomatoes, Coeur de Boeuf tomatoes, San Marzano tomatoes, and what they call 'flavor vine tomatoes.' In other words, not your average varieties, but more exclusive ones.

Maurice: "We find it a sport, those more challenging cultivations."

The company is constantly growing new varieties, either because they straight up select a new variety or also because customers have asked to grow something exclusively for them. Maurice: "We're open to that in a long-term relationship." In 2024, two new types will be added, though which ones will remain a secret until mid-December.

The tomatoes they grow are mainly sold under a private label. Maurice: "As a custom grower, we think along with clients to accommodate their cultivation and packaging wishes."

Expansion of the own-brand line in 2023 with the Ajara brand, which includes the San Marzano tomato.

Tomatoes that are not sold under a private label find their way to the market in their own brand boxes with a recognizable Wim Peters Nurseries house style. As of January 1, 2022, they do this without the ZON cooperative. The 'Umami' brand was launched in 2021 for cherry tomatoes on the vine. This year, this line was expanded with the 'Ajara' brand, which includes the latest acquisition: the San Marzano tomato.

The decision to leave ZON was willfully taken in 2021. Wim: "That year, I received confirmation from several sides to take that step. In a conversation with one of our relationships, I was told: 'You are the exception.' I don't know many other growers who do what we do on over thirty hectares."

Own brand boxes from Wim Peters Nurseries.

Firm confirmation
So far, they have no regrets about the step. Quite the opposite, in fact. One of the main reasons for the step was to be able to work more freely, but he also points out another big advantage: shorter lines. "Customers are increasingly asking for this." In the case of the Wim Peters Nurseries sales team, this means that the salespeople can coordinate with the cultivation team in the greenhouse next to the office at lightning speed if necessary. Contact with customers has always been good, Wim emphasizes. "I always know where every pallet was going."

Since taking that step, the horticulture sector has had to deal with the energy crisis, while the end of the Covid period also played a role. "It definitely helped that we already had such close contact with our customers," Wim says. Like many growers, there had to be discussions about passing on increased costs. Maurice nods. "The crisis was a firm confirmation that we did the right thing."

Wim Peters Nurseries installed swallow boxes.

Sustainable actions
At the same time, they keep moving farther. An indication is the sustainability manifesto titled 'The Future of Tradition.' The plan focuses on five pillars, namely energy, environment, water, biodiversity, residual flows, and the local community.

Wim calls the first pillar, energy and environment, "perhaps the hardest," while he finds the biodiversity pillar "perhaps the most fun." Wim Peters Nurseries aims to be off the gas by 2033. They are currently investigating different options in addition to the existing CHP and biomass power station. In terms of biodiversity, steps have already been taken with sheep as a mowing team and birds as pest controllers.

The sustainability plan is being implemented with working groups, and along the way, the company has discovered that some topics are particularly close to the employees' hearts. "You'll see that in a series of videos that will be released," Wim reveals.

The ambitious (sustainability) plans are inspiring also for the buyers of their tomatoes. "The fact that we are asked to share our sustainability presentation at the head office of a supermarket chain is a beautiful recognition of what we are doing."

Water basin in the recreation area created by Wim Peters Nurseries around the greenhouses.

Independently to Berlin
Next spring, Wim Peters Nurseries will have its own stand at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. "The fact that we're taking this step probably says enough," Wim admits. "Three years ago, when the idea of our own sales started to play, we didn't think we would get this far by now."

Upping the company's professionalism has helped, just like it has helped the arrival of the fourth generation of the family workforce. "The young ones want to move forward. Our sales and organization are ready for growth."

Considering they are eager to take all their matters into their own hand, will they ask for help to set up their stand at Fruit Logistica? "No, we're not going to build that stand ourselves. But you can bet it's going to be beautiful," he chuckles.

For more information:
Wim Peters Nurseries
Tel.: 0493-470405
[email protected]

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