As of January 1, 2024, the operations of Vince Heating BV will be taken over by Van der Mark Boiler Maintenance BV from De Lier.
Vince Heating is the company of Vincent Neervoort and has been active in maintaining, repairing, and installing hot air heaters for almost 30 years.
Van der Mark Boiler Maintenance has over 50 years of experience in maintaining hot water boilers, steam boilers, and related installations. Van der Mark operates in the greenhouse horticulture, industry, shipping, and utility sectors.
With the acquisition, Van der Mark Boiler Maintenance hopes to increase its market position as a maintenance partner in the greenhouse horticulture sector, the parties inform us upon request. This acquisition allows them to offer a broader range of maintenance and service packages.
For more information:
Van der Mark Boiler Maintenance BV
Leemolen 72
2678MH De Lier
Tel.: +31 (0)174 512333