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Gordon Badham retires from CMW Horticulture Ltd.

This week sees the retirement of CMW's long-serving Technical Director Gordon Badham, who has been a pivotal part of the industry-leading service to customers that CMW are known for. For years, CMW have strived to continue with the company's founding principle of giving their customer the equipment and backup service they need to operate effectively in this ever-evolving industry.

Gordon joined the company in 2004 originally on a part-time basis to train growers to use the Priva equipment CMW had sold and supported since its inception. At this time, Gordon was a full-time grower himself, producing cucumbers in his nursery in South Cave, he later moved into soft fruit and finally converted the nursery into a retail garden center in 2008.

CMW Horticulture: "During this period, Gordon's role with CMW expanded into a full-time position, leading to his promotion to Technical Director in 2015. Gordon became a household name in the industry, not just for his knowledge of the equipment but also for his support of the many different types of crops that Priva enabled the growers to produce."

"Gordon will be missed by his colleagues and the many growers he has helped over the years, which in many cases developed into close friendships. Growers from Harlow to Hawick and Lymington to Laurencekirk all knew they could rely on Gordon's ability to problem-solve and give good advice. So, as we look forward to our journey into the new chapter of CMW, we wish Gordon all the very best in his retirement with his wife Sue and their family, we know he will be looking forward to spending time with his Grandchildren and planning various trips either at home in his motorhome or abroad."

For more information:
Tel.: +44 1430 422222
[email protected]

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