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New salad kits and salad blends will debut at Southern Innovations

Braga Fresh will debut five SKUs under the Josie’s Organics brand in booth #304 at the Southeast Produce Council’s fall Southern Innovations conference on September 15 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Braga Fresh will introduce two organic chopped salad kits at the show.

“The SEPC fall Southern Innovations is an intimate opportunity to showcase our product innovation with two category product launches,” said Kori Tuggle, vice president of marketing and product development.

The company will introduce five SKUs including two organic chopped salad kits, the Avocado Goddess Chop Salad Kit and Aloha BBQ Chop Salad Kit and three organic Farmer’s Market Favorites salad blends: Organic Heirloom Crisp, Organic Bistro Duo, and Organic Sweet Red Butter.

The Organic Aloha BBQ chopped salad kit has the familiar flavors of a Hawaiian barbecue with pineapple bits and vegan coconut bacon. This vegan salad kit ingredient was inspired by food influencers.

“The Farmer’s Market Favorites is a line extension for Josie’s Organics salad blends,” Tuggle said.

The Organic Avocado Goddess chopped salad kit contains fresh herb notes with an avocado dressing, flatbread strips, and a goddess seasoning packet that is the key to the overall eating experience. Both chopped salad kits are vegan, certified organic, and contain clean salad dressing and component ingredients.

“The Farmer’s Market Favorites is a line extension for Josie’s Organics salad blends,” Tuggle said. “These three new SKUs offer leafy greens varietals for organic shoppers seeking something different with flavor, loft, and texture for at-home salad making.”

For more information:
Kori Tuggle
Braga Fresh
[email protected]

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