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Bonduelle 2022-2023 Financial Year Revenue:

Business growth in line with outlooks in an unfavorable consumer environment

The Bonduelle Group's revenue stands for FY 2022-2023 at € 2,406.2 million, a change from the previous financial year of +9.2% based on reported figures and +5.0% on like for like basis*. Currency variations had a positive impact of +4.2% on the group growth, with the US dollar and Russian ruble appreciating significantly.

Against a backdrop of widespread inflation and heightened geopolitical tensions, which are having a major impact on the price of agricultural raw materials, packaging, energy, and logistics, and with consumer spending under pressure, the group has once again demonstrated the resilience of its business by posting, on a like for like basis*, a growth in line with its latest objectives.

Quarter 4 posted a growth of +4.0% on a like-for-like basis* and +5.2% on reported figures, highlighting a slowdown in consumption at the end of the year and the mitigation of currency impacts. Despite this unfavorable and volatile environment, the Bonduelle Group confirms its objectives of improving current operating income and operating margin for the financial year.

Europe Zone
The Europe Zone, representing 62.7% of the business activity in FY 2022-2023, recorded a very strong growth of +11.1% on reported figures and +11.6% on like for like basis* and over Quarter 4 of +9.7% and +9.5%, respectively. All technologies reported growth in value over the year, despite Quarter 4 being marked by a downturn in retail.

For the long-life segment, canned-brand activities posted a drop in volume but maintained their market share in declining markets, while the group private labels activities experienced a more limited decline, enabling them to meet the expectations of the various market segments. Driven by the year's innovations, the frozen activity posted a growth in volume. Price increases, made necessary by the rise in various cost items, supported growth in value and enabled margins to be maintained. The food service activity, mainly frozen, confirmed its dynamism over the whole year, with a growth in volume, reinforced in value by price increases.

Non-Europe Zone
The revenue of the Non-Europe Zone, representing 37.3% of the business activity over FY, recorded a growth of +6.3% on reported figures and -5.8% on a like-for-like basis*. In North America, the downturn in the ready-to-use fresh segment remained marked in retail due to an unfavorable market trend returning to pre-Covid levels, an agronomic crisis linked to a plant disease that affected the entire sector, and the residual impact of the previous year's loss of references; the price rises made necessary by cost increases did not offset the volume declines recorded.

Click here to read the full PR.

For more information:
Bonduelle Group
La Woestyne 59173
Renescure, France

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