Czech 11-hectare greenhouse company Farma Bezdínek grows tomatoes with the aim of zero pesticide residue declaration. "We were inspired by growers from France, who have been supplying French customers with vegetables and fruit without pesticide residues for many years," says R&D manager Václav Psota. "Their success is mainly why we decided to offer the same quality to customers in the Czech Republic because we believe that pesticides do not belong in the human body."
Growers of Farma Bezdínek during the visit of the greenhouse of Yannick Bernard and Steven Rolland belonging to Solarenn cooperative in September 2022
In September 2022, thanks to the organization Biobest, the team of Farma Bezdínek had the opportunity to visit several greenhouses belonging to the French cooperative Solarenn. "It was very inspiring for us, and that's why we invited our French colleagues to visit our farms. Our invitation was accepted, and at the end of February this year, we welcomed a 14-member group of representatives from the Solarenn and Biobest to our Farma Bezdínek greenhouse."
Representatives of Solarenn group on the visit of Farma Bezdínek in February 2023
In addition to the Farma Bezdínek, the French growers also visited the Farma Bezdínek sister greenhouse in Slovakia, Farma Kameničany, which also grows tomatoes in a zero pesticide residue standard. In total, for three days, we had the opportunity to visit eight farms in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria. "I believe that our French colleagues took home valuable information and knowledge from our region," Václav says.
A grower from Farma Kameničany (Slovakia), Mr. Radek Fojtík, with the technical coordinator of Solarenn group, Mr. Gaëtan Béraud
"I believe that this visit will help us to continue the cooperation between Solarenn and Farma Bezdínek. Our common goal is to grow vegetables without pesticide residues for the local customer. Thanks to the fact that we focus on the local market, we do not compete with each other and can rather benefit from the exchange of experiences."
For more information:
Farma Bezdínek
Václav Psota