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Enza Zaden opens 20 ha R&D farm in Malaysia

"We needed to do research and breeding under local conditions"

The latest investment in Sauk has been made to produce a conducive working environment, along with state-of-the-art R&D seed processing and research facilities.

“Establishing a new office and having a dedicated team of R&D with local experience and knowledge will help identify the needs of the local growers and the local market. This enables us to develop the best high-performing varieties, totally attuned to the local (climate) conditions,” says Pankaj Malik, Regional Director of Enza Zaden Asia.

“As part of our wish to service the South East Asian farmers well, we recognized that we needed to do research and breeding under local conditions. After a thorough analysis, the Enza board decided to invest in Malaysia by having an R&D farm of more than 20ha. We are committed to empowering many small-holder vegetable farmers across the region. We aim to provide them with solutions and opportunities and to bring a smile to their faces,” says Jaap Mazereeuw, CEO of Enza Zaden

Enza Zaden has created local employment and has employed more than 100 locals. Training these employees in technical subjects is helping to improve the capacity development of local Malaysians and makes them ready for the future. We are actively connected with local universities by providing Internships to new students and sponsoring education to promote technical knowledge in the Agricultural sector. The vegetable seed varieties developed and customized to local and export markets are helping the farmers & other stakeholders across the region.

We are delighted to express our gratitude for the support we received during our journey from MIDA, Directorate of Agriculture (DoA), Biosecurity, and Local Perak Govt bodies while developing the infrastructure, especially during COVID, and for facilitating our ability to continue these R&D activities.

For more information
Enza Zaden
[email protected]
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