Last week, in Belgium, a kg of TOVs fetched more than €3, on average. The average price for week 6 was, thus, €3.05, which is just under €0.60 more than in week 5. It is also the fourth consecutive week that this product's price has risen at the Belgian Horticultural Cooperatives Federation's (VBT) auctions. Loose tomato prices are also increasing. At €2.11, this price again topped the €2 mark.
Supply figures for the year's first five weeks are also available. There are fewer vine tomatoes, although these quantities fluctuated a little more.
The weekly VBT overview does not include cucumber figures for week 6. These crops are usually gradually coming into production now. Over the first five weeks of the year, those prices, too, were above the five-year average. They were, however, noticeably high at times in 2020 and 2021. So, the 2022 recorded prices do not grab your attention as much as those for tomatoes.
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Lettuce prices show little movement, with Lollo Rossa being the most expensive again. The €1.30 mid-price means that the week 6 average is more than €0.11 down on the previous week.
Strawberry prices have been falling for weeks. Last week, a kilogram went for an average of €6.36. Despite increasing demand for Valentine's Day, the Belgian cooperative Coöperatie Hoogstraten speaks of 'difficult sales'. Sonata strawberries reached a far better price of €9.34/kg, on average.
Bell pepper supplies are still limited. Their prices are above the five-year average. The first five weeks' mid-price ranged from €1.48 to €1.71, showing an upward trend.
You can see the VBT fruit and vegetable prices for week 6 here.