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September 26 – 30

Second masterclass on soilless culture

From September 26 – 30 the 2nd Masterclass Soilless Culture will be organized at the research facility of Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs in Bleiswijk, in close cooperation with Wageningen Academy.

Amongst others Chris Blok, Wim Voogt and Erik van Os will guide you through the diverse world of Water (quantity, quality, supply systems), Water treatment (filtration, disinfections, purification), Growing media (properties, sampling and analysing), Nutrients (Nutrient uptake and transport, function, interactions), Fertilizers, (chemical principles, recipes for nutrient solutions, salinity) and Cultivation aspects (growing system, crop management, crop-specific adjustments).

The Masterclass is meant for technical and crop- managers of horticultural companies (middle and higher education), consultants and technical suppliers, to deepen their background knowledge and to enable them to make well-founded choices on technical-, process- and crop-related issues into soilless culture. Participants will be present on site, interact with the trainers and other participants, work on specific cases and do practical measurements.

For more information:
E.H.J. Hooijdonk
Wageningen University & Research
[email protected] 


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