"Looking for simple ways to contribute to sustainability in your own home? Simply switch to greenhouse lettuce and greens", the team with Revol Greens advises in a consumer-oriented article. They explain how water use is significantly lower in greenhouse-grown crops.
Water use is top-of-mind at Revol Greens. "Especially in California and the Southwest where drought continues to be a threat to agriculture", the team with Revol Greens says. They explain how their Grown Clean and Green™ process solves these challenges. "We use just 1 pint per container of leafy greens compared to 12 gallons on-field product."
"Leafy greens from the greenhouse, like those grown by Revol Greens, are as clean as possible from all the special care and attention that goes into the growing process. No need for pesticides, herbicides, or harsh chemicals!", the team explains. "The secure and protected greenhouse environment is tightly controlled against animals, pests, contaminants, and weeds. Water sources for Revol Greens are carefully managed and water is sterilized using chemical-free UV light and ozone."