Berries are the hottest horticultural product nowadays. The growth of the sector is immense and so is the attention for it. There's a lot of knowledge to be gained and we do our best to keep you on top of everything that's going on. From the first half of May, we present you 10 stories on soft fruit.
There's nothing soft about sustainability at this Dutch propagator
All-in-one solution package for raspberry growing
The multiple advantages of having soilless strawberry crops on three rows
Nijs van Zuilen, Berrybrothers, about the early start of the Dutch redcurrant, raspberry season
"Our new greenhouses mean we can meet the early demand for redcurrants, raspberries even better"
Yeni Mesaj
Greenhouse strawberry production becoming more popular in Fatsa, Ordu
Stuart Thomson - Dyson Farming
New strawberry plant cutting machine cuts 2000 plants per hour
Better grip on watering strawberry crops with sensors
Study on work efficiency of strawberry-harvesting robot in automated greenhouse
Derek Stanford - Primocane Capital
"Hightech horticulture doesn't attract enough outside capital"