At the 2021 Horticulture Conference held in early August, a range of speakers presented topics of interest to greenhouse growers. These sessions were recorded and are now available to view.
To access the recording click on the link highlighted below which will take you to YouTube to view the recording.
Greenhouse hygiene practices - a panel session hosted by Barry O'Neil, joined by Stefan Vogrincic (Grower2Grower), Simon Watson (NZ Hothouse), Jeremy Thompson (MPI), and Jon Harris (Horticentre). The panel provides practical advice on greenhouse hygiene measures.
Pest management using biocontrol in your greenhouse – a journey from the investigation, selection, trials, and practice – presented by Emiliano Veronesi (Lincoln University Ph.D. student), Chris Thompson (Bioforce), Chris Cowie, and Andrew Hutchinson (T&G Fresh).
Covered crop sector decarbonation pathway– an update presented by EECA & DETA Consulting.
Developing farm environment plans for greenhouse growers – presented by Andrew Barber, Agrilink.