This week the GreenTech Americas takes place in Mexico for the first time. "It fulfills a wish of horticultural entrepreneurs in North America. Many of them are ready to invest in themes such as sustainability, labour, and technology, but need the final push to take that step," Mariska Dreschler with GreenTech Americas explains. On the exhibition floor, 150 companies from 15 countries are presented.
Invermex, Van der Valk and Svensson are present together at Greentech Americas
Booth of the FIlclair team
Oscar Woltman is Director of Operations at Hortigen Produce in Mexico. He explained that he is positive about the future of Hortigen Produce, but also about Mexican horticulture. “There are many pepper producers in Mexico. It is important with whom you set up the trade, who your partners are, and how efficiently you can work as a company. Labour is becoming increasingly scarce. As a sector, we have to compete with the salaries in the car industry. In addition, we are dealing with the trade agreement with the United States, which imposes conditions on fair labour and social aspects. This requires more effort from horticultural companies. Until a few years ago there was hardly any pressure to use technology in horticulture, but due to these developments, there will be more and more. As a company you want to work as efficiently as possible to limit costs and technology can help with this. Entrepreneurs are increasingly realizing that.”
Francisco Domínguez Servién, Constitutional Governor of the State of Querétaro, thanked the organizers of GreenTech Americas for holding its first edition in Mexico. "This exhibition still in pandemic is going to allow conservation and reflection on the main trends in the horticulture industry in protected agriculture systems. During the working tables they will be able to discuss and contribute positive experiences. It will also be an opportunity to consolidate strategic networks of business opportunities in this important field," he explained.
"Since 2016 to 2020 protected agriculture has grown in Querétaro from 250 to 661 hectares, which represents an increase of 26.6% in cultivated area. This sector is very important for the state, as it represented 40.3% of the total value of agricultural production last year alone.”
"As a government we have to incorporate small producers in these technologies, we channeled support for more than 40 million pesos with which 222 tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumber and blueberry production projects were attended," he said.
He also reported that structures, greenhouse plastics, specialized equipment, irrigation systems, heating, water storage, cold rooms, among other systems have been installed. "These results reinforce our idea that protected agriculture is a strategic pillar in the agricultural sector of our entity. Implementing technology is a good way to improve the living conditions of rural producers and in turn the quality of the food that reaches the consumers' table," he added.
"Since 2016 to 2020 protected agriculture has grown in Querétaro from 250 to 661 hectares, which represents an increase of 26.6% in cultivated area. This sector is very important for the state, as it represented 40.3% of the total value of agricultural production last year alone”.
The GreenTech Americas will last for two more days. If you are at the show, we would love to receive your photos on !