The interest of the markets in special tomatoes is increasing. This is a positive trend, and it should not be limited to the color or the shape of the tomato, no matter how appealing they may be. Plant breeding must also meet the needs of aroma and taste in their entirety, without neglecting all the elements involved in cultivation.
In this respect, Italian Progene Seed has improved and expanded its range of colored tomatoes with three varieties (Premium Quality) developed through traditional plant breeding methods.
Summer F1, an elegant, yellow datterino tomato. It stands out for its taste, brightness and high brix level. Good consistency and excellent shelf life.
Judith F1, an elegant datterino tomato with bright orange colour, tasty and firm pulp. Excellent flavor, high brix and high productivity.
Samoa F1, an early ripening, striped mini plum tomato. The tomato weighs about 25-30 grams and is green with dark stripes, which gives it a unique characteristic. Exceptional flavor and high productivity. It is preferable to harvest when they have just ripened.
"We have diversified a little and focused on specialties such as datterino, cherry and mini plum tomatoes of different colors and sizes. But we have not limited ourselves to appearance and have also paid great attention to their aroma, taste and agronomic characteristics. Summer F1, Judith F1 and Samoa F1 stand out not only because of their attractive appearance, but especially because of their excellent flavor, high brix and excellent acid-sugar balance. We have also worked on aspects such as the extended production calendar and the wide range of genetic resistances," said a Progene Seed spokesperson.
The elegance, shape and richness of the bunches and their long shelf life make these varieties easy to harvest, even as a stand-alone fruit, and to pack in a variety of ways. These three cultivars are ideal as snacks or to be mixed with other red tomatoes for the preparation of imaginative, colorful mixed salads. Indeed, the industry, especially gourmet restaurants, is increasingly looking for specialties that offer not only color combinations, but also taste and texture.
For more information:
Progene Seed s.s.a.
+39 0932871409
[email protected]