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Malta bans tomato & pepper seeds and seedlings from Sicily because of ToBRFV

Tomato and pepper seeds and seedlings cannot be imported from Sicily into Malta due to the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV).

The Plant Protection Directorate (PPD) of the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights of Malta have imposed a 6-month ban on the trade of such seeds and seedlings from Sicily.

The ban
The 6-month ban will be renewed for a specified period of time if this is found to be deemed necessary.

It is currently being considered necessary in order for the PPD to be able to assess in more depth the local situation on the cultivation of tomatoes and peppers in the Maltese territory. Trade and importation of such seeds and seedlings will hinder the analysis conducted and the possibility to successfully control the spread of ToBRFV.

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